Home Blog Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023: Can He Unify the GOP?

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023: Can He Unify the GOP?

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023

A Closer Look at the Race for Speaker of the House

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023 – The race for Speaker of the House in 2023 has taken center stage in American politics. Conservative Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio is at the forefront of this battle, as he seeks to fill the leadership void left by the ousting of Speaker Kevin McCarthy. In this article, we delve into the latest developments surrounding Jim Jordan’s quest for the speakership, exploring the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023 – Jordan’s Bid for Speaker

Jim Jordan’s journey to the Speaker’s chair is not without its complexities. As of the most recent updates, he is yet to secure the 217 votes required to become the Speaker of the House. While Jordan has made significant headway by winning over previously hesitant Republicans, opposition within his own party remains a formidable challenge. At present, six Republicans have openly declared their opposition to Jordan’s candidacy, with an additional three leaning in the same direction.

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023

The mathematics of the vote is ever-evolving. With all members present, Jordan can only afford to lose four Republican votes. However, the absence of Florida Rep. Gus Bilirakis, who is mourning a family loss, reduces this margin to just three. Moreover, any Democratic absences on the day of the vote could further alter the equation, potentially allowing Jordan to lose more Republican votes and still secure the majority.

The slim margin is a reminder of the circumstances that led to Kevin McCarthy’s removal by a group of eight GOP rebels. A faction of House Republicans, dissatisfied with Jordan’s candidacy, poses a potential hurdle to his ascent to the Speaker’s position.

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023 – Building Momentum

Despite these challenges, Jim Jordan and his supporters have made significant strides in recent days. The Ohio Republican has engaged with skeptical lawmakers one-on-one, effectively making his case to win their support. His allies outside Congress have also launched a campaign to pressure holdout Republicans, warning of potential political repercussions if they stand against a figure who enjoys significant support within the Trump-aligned GOP base.

Several pivotal holdout Republicans, including Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri, have publicly declared their support for Jordan’s candidacy. Wagner, who had initially considered Jordan a “nonstarter,” is now behind his bid. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York has emphasized the urgency of party unity, stressing the need to return to legislative work.

Even if Jordan fails to secure the necessary votes on the initial ballot, he has the option to force additional rounds of voting, mirroring the path that McCarthy took when he was elected Speaker in January.

Opposition and Reservations

Nevertheless, a group of lawmakers continues to openly oppose Jim Jordan’s candidacy for Speaker. Some remain disgruntled over the removal of Kevin McCarthy and their earlier opposition to House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s nomination for Speaker. They advocate for a fair process and adherence to established rules.


Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida remains steadfast in his support for Scalise, while Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado has expressed opposition to Jordan’s candidacy, insisting that Jordan must publicly acknowledge the results of the 2020 election. This issue remains contentious, particularly since Jordan has reaffirmed his objections to the certification of the 2020 election.

Several Republicans from districts won by President Joe Biden have not yet revealed their stance on Jordan’s bid. In contrast, House Democrats have sharply criticized Republicans for considering Jim Jordan as the potential Speaker, citing his role in the events leading up to January 6.

Jim Jordan for Speaker 2023

The race for Speaker of the House in 2023 remains a tightly contested battle, with Rep. Jim Jordan striving to unify a fragmented GOP and put an end to the legislative gridlock. As the voting process unfolds, the political landscape continues to shift, leaving the ultimate outcome uncertain. The resolution of this internal leadership struggle will have far-reaching implications for the direction of the Republican Party and the legislative agenda in 2023. Jim Jordan for Speaker in 2023 promises to be a defining moment in American politics, and its outcome will shape the future of the House of Representatives.

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